Superhero Faith

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Sun, 09/26/2021 - 10:00am


Superhero Faith

Pastor Angie Marks

 Origin Story
Think about where you came from

 When were you first witnessed to? Who witnessed to you? When were you saved? Baptized in water? Baptized in the Holy Spirit? What has God called you out of or into?

 God had a plan for Moses from the beginning

Every Bible hero was flawed; God doesn’t want perfect, He wants willing 

 How has God used your origin story in your walk?

 Mission
We have been called to do Kingdom things

 Do the right thing: James4:17–“So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

• “When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” – Peter Parker, Spiderman: Homecoming

  •   Obedience: Isaiah6:8; Psalm33:2; Joshua6:1-20

  •   Protect (be intentional with) the Presence of God: Psalm145:18; James4:8

• The Ark went before the people of Israel and was guarded
How can we be intentional about God’s presence today without the Ark?

 Matthew11:28; Proverbs18:10; Psalm91:1-4
 If we are feeling burdened by our mission, we have stopped doing things God’s way, and have tried to do them our way 

Our home is a place of rest

 Deuteronomy6:4-9;  Joshua24:15
• How has God provided for our rest? How can we be purposeful about resting?

 Superpower
Relationship with God

Holy Spirit: Acts1:8
Unity: Matthew 22:37; John 13:35

 “If our enemies are to be put to confusion, it must be by the united efforts of all the people of God: unity is strength” – Charles Spurgeon

 What is one thing you can do differently that would change things for the kingdom?

 Secret Fortress
God’s plan includes rest

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