Sunday, December 13, 2020
Seeing Through the Eyes of Faith
Pastor Zach Prosser
Sermon Discussion Notes
688 Dan Street, Akron, OH 44310 | 330-762-7458 |
Ø The Dedication of Jesus (Luke 2:22-24)
It was customary to offer a lamb as a burnt offering (Leviticus 12:6-8).
Joseph and Mary didn’t have a lamb to offer, but they offered the spotless lamb of God.
§ John said Jesus was the Lamb of God (John 1:29).
Ø Seeing Jesus Through the Eyes of Faith (Luke 2:22-24)
• The Holy Spirit Moves on those who see through the eyes of faith.
§ Johnleapedinhismother’swombwhenhesensedthebabyJesus(Luke1:39-45). § ElizabethprophesiedthatMarywasthemotheroftheMessiah(Luke1:39-45).
§ Maryprophesiedoverherself:theMagnificat(Luke1:46-55).
Ø Zacharias Doubted God (Luke 1:5-25)
Zacharias means “the Lord remembers.”
God made him dumb (speechless) for nine months because of his unbelief.
§ If you can’t speak the words of faith over something, just be quiet.
There had not been a word from God for 400 years before God spoke to Zacharias.
§ Prophecy was not the norm at that time.
§ God is looking for people to step outside of the norm and see through the eyes of faith.
Ø Simeon Saw Through the Eyes of Faith (Luke 2:25-35)
Simeon’s father is believed to be Hillel the Elder, the leader of the Sanhedrin.
Simeon was also believed to be a leader of the Sanhedrin, and his son was Gamiliel I who
taught the Jewish law to the Apostle Paul.
Simeon gave up his position of power to spent one moment with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit was upon Simeon, and he saw Jesus through the eyes of faith.
§ The Jewish leaders were looking with natural eyes for a conquering king.
Ø Anna Saw Through the Eyes of Faith (Luke 2:36-38)
Simeon and Anna waited for the Messiah to come and they didn’t give up hope.
§ Everyone else in the temple missed Jesus.
Their faith became sight when they saw Him.
Jesus came in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4-5)
Ø We are Dependent upon the Holy Spirit to See Through Eyes of Faith
• Jesus said it was for our benefit that He leave us (John 16:7).
Ø Paul Sacrificed All to Obtain Christ (Philippians 3:7-9)
• Like Simeon, Paul thought the reward of obtaining Christ was worth more than all the world.
§ What have you sacrificed to obtain Christ?
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