The Calling of the Church to Pray (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Power of the Praying Church
Pastor Zach Prosser
Sermon Discussion Notes Celebration Church
688 Dan Street, Akron, OH 44310 | 330-762-7458 |
Ø The Calling of the Church to Pray (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Turning from your wicked ways may require you to sacrifice some things (Acts 19:18-19).
Jonathan Edwards on 2 Chronicles 7:14: “And if God does now loudly call upon us to repent, then he also calls upon us to make proper manifestation of our repentance.”
Ø When Should We Pray
Pray always (Acts 12:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Pray when you are afflicted and in bondage (Exodus 3:7).
Pray even when it is socially unacceptable (Esther 4:16).
Pray in corporate gatherings (Nehemiah 8:5-6).
Ø How Should We Pray
Pray in the Spirit (Zechariah 4:6; Romans 8:26).
Pray according to God’s word (Acts 2:40-47).
The works of the Apostles were continued (Acts 2:42).
Pray for power (Acts 4:23-33).
Corporate prayer produces signs and wonders (Acts 2:43, 4:31).
The word “boldness” is the Greek word parrhesia which means “free-flowing, unrestrained boldness” or “speaking truth into the ears of others.”
Corporate prayer produces unity and a desire to give (Acts 2:44-46, 4:32).
Prayer for spiritual leaders (Acts 12:1-25).
The church prayed without ceasing for Peter (Acts 12:5).
When you pray for your leaders, you will see their vision.
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