The King Enthroned
Pastor Zach Prosser
Psalm 2
God is Ruling and Reigning
o What comparisons can we take away from Psalm 1 & 2?
o Read Psalm 2:4-6, Psalm 37:13 & Ephesians 1:19-23
§ What does the sovereignty of God mean to you?
§ What do these passages speak about the sovereignty of God?
§ Are there any situations in your life that need reminding that God is Ruling?
The Response of the Righteous
o Read Psalm 2:11, 1 Timothy 1:17, Romans 14:17, Psalm 23:5
o In what ways do these verses equip us in our responses to life?
o How do you use scripture in your response to day-to-day life?
o Are there any other scriptures that we can use to correct our
thoughts, actions or attitudes?
Our Inheritance
o Read Psalm 2:8 & Acts 2:33
o Discuss our inheritance in Christ and what it means to you.
688 Dan Street, Akron, OH 44310 | 330-762-7458 | www.CCAkron.org
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