A Thriving School Year

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Sun, 08/29/2021 - 10:00am


A Thriving School Year – Brandon McGee 

Psalm 1:1-3

The goal is not to survive the school year, or to simply get by and get through the school year, but to THRIVE through it.

Thrive – to flourish or grow VIGOROUSLY
How do we Thrive?

Remain Planted
It’s about DELIGHT, not obligation
Meditate on His Word, Immerse yourself in Worship, reading, and His Presence 

Hebrews 6:19
Ways to stay rooted personally and as a family:

 Attend Church Together (Psalm 122:1; Hebrews 10:24-25) 

 Make being in the House of the Lord a Priority (Psalm 69:9) 

 Pray Together (Matthew 18:20; 1 John 5:14)
 Serve Together (Joshua 24:15)

 Seek the Lord Together (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
• Why is it important to delight in the things of God rather than be obligated? Can our delight affect the people around us?

Bear on another’s burdens
Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 12:10; Galatians 6:2
Most of the time, WE can’t fix people or situations, but we can be there to point them to the One who can

 What are some practical ways we can bear one another’s burdens? How can this bless others and ourselves?

Share your Faith
Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15; Romans 1:16; Romas 5:8
Your testimony may be a miracle to someone else

 How can we share our faith with those around us? Does it require a sermon?

Trust the Lord
Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 17:7-8

 What does trust mean to you? How does trusting God keep us rooted?

688 Dan Street, Akron, OH 44310 | 330-762-7458 | www.CCAkron.org