Paid in Full

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Sun, 09/12/2021 - 10:00am

CELEBRATION CHURCH SERMON DISCUSSION GUIDE:                                          PAID IN FULL

Paid in Full

Pastor Zach Prosser

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace” – Ephesians 1:7

Redemption - to ransom; paid in full; complete deliverance
the ministry of the Gospel is telling people about redemption; it is our job as Christians to tell people they don’t have to continue carrying their burdens, and then walk with them through it (Isaiah 61)

Jesus fulfilled the law for us – Romans 3:21-25
forbearance – patience, endurance
the law shows us where we have broken God’s covenant, but redemption shows us His mercy

§ How does God’s forbearance play a role in our redemption? How does redemption impact our relationship with God’s law?

Jesus not only paid for our sin (salvation), He paid for us to have access
Galatians 4:5-7; Romans 9:8; John 1:12
redemption restored our relationship with God, our access to His presence and fellowship, and heaven

§ How can we enjoy/experience the access Christ purchased for us before we get to heaven?

Jesus delivers us fully from sin
only we and the devil remember our sin, God chooses to forget our sin (Psalm 103:12)

when we hold on to and identify with our past sins, we are living in a false reality; Faith is the reality is that Christ paid for and removed our sins (Ephesians 2:8-9)

§ How does Faith coincide with our job as ministers of the Gospel?


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